Sep 22Liked by Frances Story

..”done being fucked with.” Whew. When I took early retirement a few years ago and as I found my system unwinding day by week by month, I was shocked at how exhausted I had been while still working, while still pushing. I realized that my system, my body, was DONE long before I stopped working. So done, so tired. I am prodded and needled by folks to “volunteer” now, to give back they say. NO. I’m retired now. I’m pretty sure that’s not accepted well, especially by women who are still working for free, otherwise known as volunteering. For the church - pick one - for patriarchy, for capitalism, for males. I guess they’re still trying to find meaning or purpose in their lives? Dunno. My response now to what I find to be pushy and disrespectful efforts for me to DO MORE, is one simple word: NO. And what I really mean is FUCK OFF. I’m certain I’ve done enough.

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Thank you for sharing your experience. WHEN WILL THE HORRORS DESIST? Ya know? I feel like, women work for free all our lives, starting with the expectation that we benefit performative entertainment, housewives in training, baby dolls not briefcases…During the pandemic when I had unemployment income, I volunteered a few times a month with the Red Cross. It was exciting but not my life’s calling, a joy to explore. But they ruined it by asking for more and more from me bc Capitalism a joke and everyone is chronically overworked and underpaid - if they’re paid at all.

All that to say, thank you for communicating the disparity you’ve experienced. I stand in solidarity. Just say NO.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Story

Thank you, Frances. And I stand in solidarity with you and with all women.

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That we be* performative

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Story

Big, big same here.

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“But hell hath no fury like me when I’m done being fucked with.”

I can confirm.

This hard patriarchal capitalist system is really fucking with people I love. I’m over it too.

Thank you for always being the one to sound the battle cry. Even from the foxhole. Even with bullets flying.

You are a marvel and I’m so grateful I get to be your friend.

Here’s to less bullshit. More good shit.

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Sep 22Liked by Frances Story

I am so sorry this whole year has hurt. Wish it wasn’t ever this hard to be human.

These words are so Bold. Brave. You.

Also. I needed this truth to mingle with my own Sunday morning truth. So, thank you.

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I love you. I love your voice. I love your writing. And this was perfectly put.

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I love YOU. Thank you for taking this long walk with me. I love life with you. ONWARD toward our dreams.

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